My love for Ghostbusters goes back to the mid 80s. I grew up watching the two movies & the animated series, collecting the toys, and growing my imagination. I owe a lot of who I am as an adult to Dr. Peter Venkman (idk if thats a good thing or not). In 2024 I decked my truck out with some GB stuff, put together a costume (spent too much money and time on that ) and drove in the Hanover, PA Halloween Parade. It was then I realized just how much Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good!
Ghostbusters at it's heart is about brotherly love, helping each other up. Something I think there is a deficit of these days. so I proudly drive my truck around town and have jumped head first into GB cosplaying to help remind the world what it's like to aid each other when we all need it.
Oh, I got some GB merch. All the proceeds from this merchandise goes straight to my cosplay budget.
Thanx -J.
Wanted to create something for my GB display at the shop so the wall space doesn't look so empty when its not there. So I recreated the fake 1984 cover of OMNI that briefly appears in the first movie
Tried my hardest to make this as close to screen accurate but had to change the size ratio to fit a common poster size.
In the RGB [The Real GhostBusters, 1985 animated series] none of the guys ever split up and go their separate ways. It's a cartoon, they would never do that! They also believe Egon and his wild claims that Gozer isn't done just yet and that strange things are happening at Sandor Mines. So they all go to settle the score once and for all. Unfortunately, the guys were underprepared and Gozer wins the fight, for good.
It is now several years into the Ghost World Apocalypse. Egon is the only Ghostbuster remaining after the rest have fallen one by one to the now freed ghosts that they spend decades capturing.
My inspirating is pretty much TMNT's The Last Ronin but GB. Post apocalyptic Egon and his trusty proton pack "Janine" vs a world full of ghosts.
I wanted to imagine what the RGB pack would of looked like if it had evolved similar to what we saw in Afterlife and Frozen Empire. I want remain faithful to the colorful fun vibe of the cartoon while adding in some new stuff and a twisted theme to build off of.
FYI- This is my first time doing anything like this.
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